RedHorizon is a set of development tools created by the StellarRed node red flow. They help with many development tasks like creating tokens and NFTs for testing.
Trade Bot Alternate Horizon NFT Generator
The Wallet UI can:
- Check Balances
- Notify after receiving a payment (some bugs still)
- Send XLM or tokens
- Make a trade offer
- Add trustline
- Get public key from secret
The Account Generator creates a new keypair and uses friendbot to fund it
The Price Checker checks the last trade price from Kraken. The start/stop function sets it to update every 5 seconds
The Trade Bot allows for advanced order types on the Stellar Decentralized Exchange (SDEx). STILL EXPERIMENTAL. MANY BUGS
The Token & NFT Creator creates custom tokens.
- Create Token uses 2 existing Stellar accounts (Issuer & Distributor) to create a new asset.
- Create NFT generates a new keypair, funds it with 2 XLM, and uses it to issue a new asset.
- Create NFT Multimaker generates a new keypair, funds it with 2 XLM, uses it to issue multiple NFTs with descending numbers, then locks the account
You most host your own instance of StellarRed/RedHorizon using nodered. It will only be available on your local network.